Thank you teacher – messages and short notes from parents: A good teacher has an ever-lasting impact on the life of their students. The students never forget the memories that the teachers so ardently help them build along with a strong character. These kinds of relationships are hard to forget and a good teacher ensures to never let go of her children. After parents, if a person really needs to be grateful, is a teacher. As a child, at home, parents are there to support you at every step of the way. However, when out of home, at school especially, a teacher fulfills those shoes. It is not easy for a teacher to fulfill those shoes yet with constant effort and making a student comfortable, teachers almost always flawlessly achieve.
This kind of hard work needs to be appreciated more by both the students and their parents. As a parent, wish your children’s teachers a very warm teacher’s day this year to whole-heartedly thank them for all the energy and time they put into shape and carve the stepping stones for an excellent and bright future for your children. To make that easy for you, here are some thank you message to teacher from parents, thank you note to teacher from parents, thank you letters to teachers from parents that you can use to brighten up your children’s teacher’s day
Short Thank You Note For Teacher From Parents
- A heartfelt Thank You to the most special teacher on Teacher’s Day for helping our child in shaping his future.
- Dear teacher, we parents thank you on teacher’s day for the guidance you have provided our son. He has excelled in all his studies and we are very lucky to have you as his mentor.
- Sending the thankfulness wishes from parents with love on teachers day. Your mentoring has made my son pass out with flying colors and I am very grateful for your love.
- Thank you dear teacher for the support you have given to our daughter. On this teacher’s day, we parents send beautiful gifts for you to make the celebration more special.
- Teacher, we parents thank you on teacher’s day for the guidance and selfless education you have provided to our children. We are very happy with your dedication and send you gifts.
- Thank you dear teacher for your guidance to our child. On this teacher’s day, we as parents send you gifts for a great celebration of your hard work.
- A good teacher is everything a parent can never be. Thanks, for being one.
- We, parents, maybe accountants, scientists, doctors, and engineers – but nothing contributes to the nation’s development more than the sacrifices made by teachers. Thank you teacher.
- It is impossible to thank a teacher. There are no words, to appreciate someone whose words empower children to chase their dreams.
- Teachers are probably the most underrated yet the most powerful professionals in the whole world. Their work has a long-term impact on not just the lives of the children they teach but on society as a whole. They have the power to shape generations, impact minds and make the world a better place. Thank you for your contribution.
Short Teacher Appreciation Messages
- The school may have found a teacher in you, but our child found a hero in you. Thanks.
- Our once introverted child’s personality has bloomed open like a beautiful fragrant flower ever since being tended by a lovely gardener in the form of a teacher like you. Thanks.
- We might not be paid to teach our children the values of life, but your salaries are far too minuscule considering that your words will resonate inside our children’s minds for the rest of their lives. Thank you for taking good care of our child.
- Teachers should be called Fillers because they fill all the gaps and crevices in a child’s life. Thanks for making our child’s life rounded and complete.
- Your words are the sparks that light up our children’s futures. Thank you.
- A good teacher is someone who can think like a student, look like a parent, and behave like a boss. You are the boss our kid is lucky to have. Thanks.
- Thank you for everything that you have given to our child.
- Every word you say, every class you take, and every paper you grade – goes on to change lives. Thanks for being a great teacher to our kids.
- Children eventually forget what they read in books but they will always remember how awesome a teacher was. Thanks for being just that.
Thank You Note For Teacher
- Parents have got the easy job of raising their own kids. They are rewarded for all their sacrifices with the joy of watching their own blood grow up into fine young men and women. Teachers have got tough jobs. Their rewards are limited to the hope that their wisdom will make a tiny difference in the lives of children, helping them to be better human beings. Thank you for all your selfless sacrifices.
- My child has become a better person because of a wonderful person like you. Thank you teacher.
- Great inventors and leaders are not born. They are motivated and inspired to do great things by great teachers like you. Thanks for inspiring our kids.
- Our child’s school years will be a priceless memory, thanks to a teacher who always made sure he was happy
- As a wonderful teacher, you may not realize that all good teachers have good parental qualities. But as good parents, we realize that we don’t have exquisite teaching qualities like yours. Thank you for taking good care of our child.
- Our children are safeguarded from all of life’s negative influences because teachers like you shower their love in tons and not just ounces. Thanks.
- Google, Wikipedia, Wikihow, Seventeen, and Encyclopedias have no place in our child’s life because of awesome teachers like you. Thanks for being our baby’s one-stop helpline.
- Technology will keep evolving but nothing can replace the power of a teacher’s inspirational words.
- As the years fly by, technology will change, society will change and education will change… but one thing that will remain constant is the value of a good teacher. Thanks for being one.

See also, short thank you poems for teachers from students
Thank You Letters To Teacher From Parents
It is necessary to appreciate a good teacher who makes sure that your child gets the comfort of home at school too. Young children are not very fond of leaving their parents and do not particularly enjoy new environments. However, a good teacher fulfills her/his job of making the child feel at ease and at home by being warm and compassionate with the child throughout the day. Like parents, teachers are attached to the children, and thus their actions portray the love and care they hold in their hearts for the children.
A parent takes care of two to three children at a time while a teacher manages a class with a lot more children and that too with unmatched strength and vigor. For this undaunting courage, wish your children’s teachers a very warm “happy teachers day“. Here are some thank you letters to kindergarten teachers from parents, and thank you note to preschool teacher from parents, that will help you bring a smile to their faces and make them feel appreciated for their constant efforts;
Appreciation For Teachers
- Thanks for giving our LITTLE one BIG dreams.
- The biggest compliment a teacher can get is when a student goes home and says ‘Mom I had a great day at school’ Our child does that every day. Thanks.
- As parents, whenever we get credit for our child’s achievements we just say ‘Our child has the best teacher’. Thanks for bringing out the best in our child.
- No matter how hard parents try to give their children the best of values, they will ultimately grow up to be young adults whose personalities are shaped by teachers like you. Today we want to show gratitude for the way you have looked after our child. We know you really care because every time he has come back from school he has smiled. Thank you teacher.
- For giving our kids much-needed advice, for educating the youth today, for shaping the future generation, for showing our lost kids the way. For making sacrifices aplenty, for taking up a profession so selfless, for letting us parents breathe easy, for being a teacher so flawless – Thank You.
- More than putting children in good schools, parents should think about putting kids in the hands of good teachers like you. Thanks for everything.
Sayings For Teacher’s Appreciation
- As parents, it is impossible for us to stop worrying about our child’s future. But at the back of our minds, we are at peace because we know our child is in the good hands of teachers like you. Thanks for being there.
- We knew our daughter had the best teacher in the world when we were on a holiday and she said ‘Mom I miss going to school’ Thanks for making our child look forward to getting a good education.
- As parents, we try to give our children the best of everything at home. We rest easy because we know our child will get the best of everything at school – thanks to wonderful teachers like you.
- Teachers like you should be immortalized so that children can forever receive an education that is truly prized. Thank you.
- Every now and then we hear about EXTRAORDINARY students who go out of their way and learn things from outside their coursework to become all-rounders. But today we want to thank an EXTRAORDINARY teacher who has gone out of her way to stay back and take extra classes to make sure her students find their way in life. Thank you.
- As parents, we have lost because you are a bigger influence on our children than we. But this is one race we are happy to lose. Thanks for imparting the best lessons to our kids.
- There is nothing more satisfying for parents than knowing that their child is being given the same amount of love and care as at home. Thanks.
- As parents, sometimes we worry because our child never comes to us for advice and guidance. But our worries are soon laid to rest when we remind ourselves that our child seeks advice and guidance from the best source possible – a teacher like YOU. Thanks.
- Great teachers like you aren’t always the ones who have fancy degrees and qualifications. They are the ones who have a big heart and a desire to make the world a better place one kid at a time. Thank you.
- When it comes to knowledge our child trusts you not only more than us but also more than Wikipedia. Thanks for educating our child just like how a perfect teacher should.
- You have no idea how grateful we are for helping our daughter cope up with the pressure of her midterms. She might have studied hard but we all know that the credit for her progress doesn’t go to those classes but to a helpful teacher like you.
- It is impossible to put a price tag on the kind of education our child receives because as a teacher, your guidance is truly priceless. Thank you.
- Thanks for believing in our child and helping them believe in their own abilities.
Ideas For Thank You Cards For Teacher
This teacher’s day makes a little time for your child’s second parents and makes them feel seen and appreciated for all that they do and the wide impact they have on your children. This little gesture would go a long way and make the teachers feel acknowledged for their continuous efforts and struggles. This display of gratitude would show how much you as parents are satisfied with your child’s teachers and how much you trust them. This acknowledgment does not need grand gestures but rather can be achieved with minimal effort. Here are some short thank you note for teacher from parents that may help;
- Wishing a very Happy Teacher’s Day to the most inspiring teacher who came into our child’s life as a blessing.
- Dear teacher, I send you happy teachers day wishes through these text messages for guiding and educating my son to excel so well in his studies. I am really very grateful and thankful for your guidance.
- To sweet teachers, I wish you a happy teacher’s day. Your education and guidance have made my daughter excel in her studies and I am really very thankful for your effort.
- Dear teacher, through this text message, I wish you a happy teacher’s day on this special day. I also send heartfelt thankful wishes and am grateful for you to have mentored my son so well.
- Cute teacher, I wish you a happiness-filled teacher’s day, and thank you for guiding and educating my son so well to make him what a good person he is today. I am really very grateful for your effort.
- We are really blessed that our child has found such an amazing teacher who has always been there to guide him. Warm wishes on Teachers Day.
- There is nothing in this world that can be the biggest support for a child than a teacher who motivates and encourages him. Happy Teachers Day to you.
Words Of Gratitude For Teacher
- As parents, we don’t have to worry about our child because he has a teacher who is always there to take care of him. Wishing a very Happy Teachers Day to you.
- On the occasion of Teachers Day, we extend our warm wishes to a teacher who has always put herself before her students. That is what makes you the best. Happy Teachers Day.
- Being a teacher is not easy and being such a wonderful teacher is truly impressive. We are lucky that our child got a teacher like you. Warm wishes on Teachers Day to you.
- Wishing a very Happy Teachers Day to the teacher who has been the greatest strength and support to our child. Our child is really fortunate to have you.
- You are not just a teacher to our child but you are also his friend and confidant. We are thankful to you for everything and we wish you a very Happy Teachers Day.
- Dear teacher, I hope you didn’t have much difficulty in educating my child regarding how much naughty they are. I really appreciate the way you educated and tolerated their behavior and I wish you a happy teacher’s day.
- For the sweet teacher, I wish you a happy teacher’s day. Through this text, I also thank you for being the guiding star of my child. And helping him to excel with all success in his life.

See also, Powerful Birthday Prayer for my Son